User and Privacy Policy
1. it is a social network (network) service that provides its members with an environment where they can share content, comment and discuss.
2. The user, as a member of or by visiting
3. The user, when visiting this Agreement, it is considered that it undertakes to comply with all other terms of use published and published by it, as well as the legislation of the Republic of Turkey. Otherwise, all civil and criminal liability will belong to the user.
4. User to add content to a content able to comment on, other members are able to follow certain content, add to favorites, to be able to chat with other members on the homepage to be able to “sign-in” link to “register”by clicking the e-mail address, user name, first name, last name, password, and by logging in with your Google account or by entering the data to be requested other are required to be a member; the services of reading content, sharing content, reacting to content with emoji, commenting on content with a Google account can be used without opening a membership account.
5. No illegal data should be included in the membership account. An offensive username cannot be created by using a name belonging to any individual or provoking people without obtaining permission by pretending to be someone else.
6. The User is obliged to provide accurate and complete information for the membership account and to keep this information up-to-date at all times.
7. If the user is a member with a Google account, Information contained in the Google profile and transmitted to the user when registering with Google it is considered to provide access in accordance with the services provided by. The user can set which information will be accessible by EdebiyatBlog in the privacy settings in the Google account.
8. The user, you can close the registered membership account by clicking on the “Delete My Membership” button in the profile settings. After the membership account is closed, it can be reactivated.
9. Members may reward the user for any reason at any time unilaterally as edebiyatblog membership you can end your membership account temporarily or permanently he can shut it down, you could delete the information on the membership account, in such a case the format would be found no demand from edebiyatblog irrevocably adopted.
10. , which is not operated by the members for 1 (one) year, for 1 (one) year if there is no written or visual login to ’a' or it is not updated, it can delete the membership accounts.
11. all rights related to subdomains, including domain name and members' accounts it belongs to the. Members have no rights over the subdomains where their membership accounts are located. Subdomains of deleted membership accounts can be used by different members.
12. it is forbidden to send messages containing threats, harassment and insults to members in public areas or private message areas, as well as to upload content. Members who act contrary to this ban, after reviewing their status can be unsubscribed by.
13. opposite, information, data, text, photographs, video, sound clips, reviews, articles, software, scripts, graphics, simply as “content” is called; this content like will be entered by the members can be entered by the editors.
15. , has the right to remove, edit, modify, block any content in its sole discretion at any time without notifying the User who uploaded the content and without giving any reason. From the content provided by the user he is not responsible in any way. , has the right to remove content that is contrary to its principles and law from the publication of pages; in such a case, the User, he has irrevocably agreed that he will not make any requests from ’
16. The User has the right to refuse, delay, late publication or not to publish the content received from the User, an email or any message found on their page without giving a reason.
17. except for using the services offered in, it is forbidden to use, imitate, modify, distribute or store the content contained in the for other purposes. The user, it may not sell the content contained in, exploit it for purposes such as advertising, and use it in a way that damages the right of third parties.
18. the right to publish any published content by third parties may not be used or published in any way in any medium without the permission of the content owner.
19. The user, 3. the contents of the he has committed that there will be no defamatory, deceptive elements, pornographic, immoral photos, insults, violence, racism, discrimination and illegality that will damage the personal rights of people.
20. User unsolicited, and/or without written approval from and/or without providing any deal with'advertising create, load content with content that may be implicit in the nature of advertising spam.I can't. if you want to use the services for commercial purposes, please please contact with.
21. EdebiyatBlog, certain areas or categories of, it can make some of the services used in paid and set these fees unilaterally.
22. members of the are solely responsible for all actions they take with the membership account, all content they upload, and any content and actions related to the membership account, even if their membership has expired.
23.EdebiyatBlog will pay maximum attention to the security of membership accounts. However, the information stored in the membership account and the security of the account password are the responsibility of the User. 3. The user will never receive information about the membership account. it should not be shared with people. If a situation occurs in the membership account that is beyond the User's control, EdebiyatBlog should be contacted immediately. 3. Enter the user's membership account password. people passing by and 3. any kind of malicious use, including the provision of illegal content by persons, is the responsibility of the User, and all kinds of civil and criminal obligations arising from malicious use belong to the User.
24. The user, other users and members to prevent or disrupt servers or databases, or use actions that will make it unworkable make it difficult for can not be found in any hardware, software or communication software that contains a virus it can't hurt to Element or any other computer code, files create, that is not authorized to any system, data, passwords to obtain access to, you cannot work, directly or indirectly, in the services offered will decipher the codes and algorithms, functions that cannot be found in the behavior to disrupt, modify the contents, convert, can't, can't turn, it cannot publish on other sites without showing a quote, messages containing information that is prohibited by law, such as chain mail, software virus 3. it may not distribute content that may harm people, send programs and/ or information that will damage information or software on other users' computers, as well as illegal and with he cannot engage in behavior that would harm’ Otherwise; the Company reserves the right to initiate all civil and criminal proceedings and to make requests.
25. EdebiyatBlog the user to act in violation of this agreement,’did u use'you gave incorrect or false information while a member,'also, if it deems necessary or malicious use of the services provided edebiyatblog use the block or may terminate membership without reason. In these cases he also has the right to apply for legal remedies
26. Photo, a description, methods, Code, program, Process Design, logo, image, text content, including all of edebiyatblog brand domain, sub-domain names and all intellectual property rights in relation to all the pages you belong to or in relation to their use by the rights holders in accordance with the laws of obtained a license. Therefore; such content may not be used in any way without the permission of EdebiyatBlog, may not be published, processed, reproduced, disseminated, used as representation, may not be transmitted to the public by means of means of signs, audio and /or image transmission. Otherwise; The right to initiate all civil and criminal proceedings and to make requests is reserved by EdebiyatBlog.
27. All financial rights'with all that belongs to the specified content, your photos, recipes, methods, Code, program, process, and in relation to the images except for personal use, copying, processing, and radio and television on the internet, satellite and cable broadcasting organizations such as wire or radio, including digital transmission, or through, sign, sound and/or image for a transplant, but not limited to the contents of the republished tools and all kinds of vehicles.
28. the citation of the content contained in the is possible provided that you stay within reasonable limits and link to our site for showing resources and related content. The reasonable limit consists of a simple summary of the work or content, in order to become familiar with the content it should be at a level that does not eliminate the need to be visited. In any case, quoting any of the contents in full is not possible even if the above conditions are complied with, unless the written permission of EdebiyatBlog is obtained. The provisions of the Law on Ideas and Works of Art related to the subject are reserved.
29. User the content relating to processing in relation to any content that is provided for in the publication, reproduction, distribution, representation, sign, sound and/or image transmission equipment when the author wants all intellectual property rights, including rights a place, time and medium irrevocably may delegate without being limited to, the right to a full license is free of charge. For this reason, the User may only use the content in question in accordance with Article 28 of this Agreement. be able to use it in accordance with the conditions specified in the article. Except for these conditions, the use of such content is subject to the written approval of EdebiyatBlog.
30. In terms of content that the User does not have the right to publish, he is required to provide content in accordance with the procedure in the Law on Ideas and Works of Art and, provided that he refers to it; otherwise, the User and he is obliged to compensate all direct and indirect, material and moral damage that he has suffered and may suffer.
31.'s free from viruses and other harmful content of the user with maximum effort to be technical problems with the computer or pass the virus to live in or for other reasons in any case of damage, the damages to a stop (but not limited to, the user's computer programs or damage) for edebiyatblog has no responsibility; therefore, no demands can be made from. The user is obliged to take the necessary measures to avoid the aforementioned damages.
32. it may change the structure of its services at any time without prior notification to the User and/or temporarily or permanently terminate the services or some of their features.
33. although we attach importance to the continuity of the publication of the content, services, facilities and other elements contained in the publication and/or it does not guarantee that the services offered through it will be uninterrupted. In such a case he has no responsibility.
34. 3. where he receives services in case of any data loss that may occur due to the fault of persons or organizations, EdebiyatBlog is not responsible, and the User is responsible for the re-entry of lost information and data. For this reason, it is suggested that the User take their own precautions to protect their data.
35. Some of the information that you provide to EdebiyatBlog by the User is mandatory information (such as email addresses, IP information), and some is information that the User gives to EdebiyatBlog depending on their preferences or approves access to EdebiyatBlog. EdebiyatBlog may store this information for as long as it wishes, even if the information is deleted by you, in order to provide a better service to its users. However, EdebiyatBlog will not store IP information after its legal period.
36. Although EdebiyatBlog takes maximum care to store the User's information, EdebiyatBlog is not responsible if your information is obtained, changed or deleted due to unauthorized entry into the system containing User data stored by EdebiyatBlog, disruption or modification of the functioning of the system. The user, every time he visits, his IP address, operating system, the browser he uses (Explorer, Chrome, etc.), connection time, duration information and similar information are automatically saved; 3. This information is obtained without the user's permission. provided that it is not shared with people, it is possible to use it anonymously or by attaching it with your personal information by EdebiyatBlog.
37. EdebiyatBlog will transmit User information to the relevant authorities if a request is duly received from the official authorities.
38. The user, during the period of its visit, EdebiyatBlog may place javascript codes or similar tracking data to analyze cookies or site usage data, also called ”cookies". Cookies consist of simple text files and do not contain identification and other private information, although they do not contain any personal information, session information and similar data are stored and can be used to get to know the User again.
39. EdebiyatBlog, from time to time 3. promotional mailings or advertisements it may include information and links to internet sites belonging to people. If the User enters other internet sites by clicking on these links, these sites or the applications of these sites are not under the control of EdebiyatBlog, and this Agreement does not apply to these other sites that can access it. Regarding the accuracy of the information contained in the applications of these sites and sites he has no responsibility. Regarding the accuracy of the information contained on these sites, the use of information, privacy policies and content
40. The user, if he wants to be informed about advertising and announcements about innovations and other issues you can register in the email mailing list. In order for the User to exit the email mailing list, he just needs to make the necessary settings in the settings menu.
41. Turkish Law will be applied to resolve any disputes that may arise from the application of this Agreement, and Istanbul Central (Çağlayan) Courts and Enforcement Directorates will be authorized.
42. Any dispute arising out of this agreement, the parties books and records and computer records (e-mail correspondence, traffic information and internet access records[log], and so on) 6100) 193 of the code of Civil Procedure. they accept, declare and undertake that they will constitute reliable, binding, definitive and exclusive evidence within the meaning of the article and that this article is an Evidentiary Agreement.
43. Notifications that the parties will send to each other will be sent by the User with the address and/or e-mail address provided to it will be sent to the address and/or e-mail address specified in this Agreement. The User's if there is a change in the address and/or e-mail address that it has notified, enter the new address and/or e-mail address he will notify in writing. if there is a change in the address and/or e-mail address, the relevant change will be transferred to this Agreement. Otherwise; The address and e-mail addresses that the user informs EdebiyatBlog about, and notifications to the address and e-mail addresses contained in this Agreement will have all the legal consequences of the applicable notification.
44. The fact that any article of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable will not invalidate other articles of the Agreement.
45. The fact that the Parties do not exercise or violate their rights arising from this Agreement in whole or in part will not mean that they have waived these rights in any way.
46. This Agreement, as new features are added, or As new suggestions come from its users, it can be edited and updated again without any prior notification to the Users. Therefore, the User's it is suggested that he/she should reconsider this Agreement every time he/she visits.
This document was last updated on April 13, 2022.